Meet Your No Bullsh*t Health Coach

Ok so, let's get practical.

No fluff. I'm going to tell you like it is.

With the amount of information out there about personal development & spirituality (I've tried it all),


We happen to live in a time where access to the right information can wildly transform us from the inside out. It is our birthright to optimize our bodies to its peak state so that we can have clear minds 

& clear bodies 

to make the most empowered choices that we can in EVERY area of our lives..

Not only with our food and supplement choices, but with our

  • relationships,
  • home environment,
  • lifestyle and habits
  • finances &
  • purpose 

I guarantee that after diving in with me, you will notice a positive change in almost every area of your life.

I'm here to totally remove hierarchy from "coaching" & empower you to


Let’s make this simple..

We’re in a time where we literally pay people to help us rise quicker than we could ourselves. It's now the most common thing in the world to give our dolla bills to someone who already figured out what we're trying to in order to speed up our transformation. 

Because instead of the things we used to want from Amazon, we are putting our transformation at that top of our “wish list” and we now know that we are not meant to do this alone.

Hi! I'm Rebekah Joy

Life started way before college but we’ll start there for now! 

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Communications & Public Relations from Penn State University (United States) in 2012, I began to focus my studies deeper into the body studying at Institute for Integration Nutrition in 2015. After witnessing my mother’s journey with three rounds of cancer which led to her early death, I was catapulted deeper into healing the emotional, spiritual & energy bodies in 2017, when I completed a 9 Month Mystery School Training, a Women’s Circle Leader Training (2018) & Tantric Alchemy’s Feminine Embodiment Facilitator Training (2019). 

I am the founder of JOYRISE Ecstatic Dance which still continues in Pennsylvania & I’ve been hosting women’s circles, women’s festivals, ecstatic dances & international women’s retreats for the last 5 years where I combine my love and knowledge of holistic health, shamanic energy work, sound alchemy, dance therapy, tantra & feminine embodiment in ceremony & deep ritual spaces. 

Although I’ve been around the spiritual 

& personal development block,

my deepest lifelong passion is health & cleansing as it is THE physical foundation for ALL spiritual and personal development. It is my intention to spread the good news of cleansing and detoxification FAR & WIDE! I know that as we cleanse from the inside out, we REVEAL our truest selves!

Ruthie Lerato

Singer/ Songwriter, BSN, RN, CEN

“When I met Rebekah a year ago, I was in a really angry place. I had gone through so much difficulty & didn’t care what happened-- I just knew I needed to get help. I encountered her circles & later mentorship & it has changed my life forever.

Rebekah Joy has influenced my life in the greatest ways. I love the way she guides you back inside-- back into yourself. 

She comes with a heart of service-- she doesn’t carry herself like a “know-it-all” or like someone who’s “gonna help you fix yourself.” She loves & trusts herself enough & is in tune with this vibration of love.” 

“It something that’s hard to put a price to because it’s something that will impact your life forever. New timelines. New trajectories. Just by you investing in yourself. Which is the biggest investment you can make-- because who’s going to care more about you than you?”

“I know this is available for each & every one of us”

Yajaira Dowling

Owner of Goddess Glow Mobile Beauty Company 

“Rebekah is so gifted at providing the guidance and support you need. It's amazing what we were able to accomplish in just a month of working together! I highly recommend Rebekah's coaching services!

Jen Quinnan

Wild Woman Project Circle Leader

“Rebekah is a gifted healer, guide, and lightworker. I tell others that she changed my life, but, really, she showed me the path to change my own life. She is a genuinely loving, humble, guide for women on our paths to empowering ourselves, loving ourselves, and growing into who we were meant to be. Her willingness to go deep, be vulnerable, and lead as an example is stunning and inspirational.”